How do I support the charity of my choice?
When you sign up for services with Charity Mobile, we will send a percentage of your paid monthly bill to the charity of your choice. Charity Mobile has over 2,000 charitable organizations to choose from. You can search our current list of charities by using the Charity Search page.
Once you designate a charity, contributions from your account and any other accounts that have designated the same charity will begin accumulating each month. A check from Charity Mobile will be mailed to the charity each time the accumulated amount reaches a minimum of fifty dollars ($50).
You can designate your charity when you first sign up, and you can change your designation at any time in the My Account portal. Click on the My Charity link under "My Profile", then click the blue Edit button to the right of the Charity field, and search for a charity in the pull-down menu by typing part of its name or location. Once you have made your selection from the search results, click on the green Save button to the right of the Charity field.