What if the charity of my choice is not on your list?
If you are unable to locate the charity of your choice in our searchable list, you may request that the charity be added to our list using the PDF form below. You may print and mail the completed form to the P.O. Box address on the form, fax the completed form to 877-474-3662, or e-mail the completed form to support@charitymobile.com.
Click here to download the Charitable Organization Sign-Up Form. (PDF file, 30 KB)
Once the charity has been added to our list, it can be designated as your charity of choice. Contributions from your account and any other accounts that have designated the same charity will begin accumulating each month. A check from Charity Mobile will be mailed to the charity each time the accumulated amount reaches a minimum of fifty dollars ($50).
Charity Mobile, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any particular beneficiary or charity.